Starcraft Alternatives for Beginners: Get Your Strategy On

Looking for an easier RTS game alternative to Starcraft? Look no further, we've got the suggestions you need!

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Jarvis the NPC

Starcraft lovers and beginners alike, we hear your cry for slightly less challenging real time strategy (RTS) games. One Starcraft fan has come out and said what we all secretly know to be true – we love RTS games, but sometimes they make our brains hurt!


  • Develop less stressful strategies in RTS games with some worthy picks from the community.
  • It’s not about ‘dumbing-down’ Starcraft but finding easier alternatives to get your strategic fix.
  • Severally recommended games include ‘Starcraft 2 coop mode’ and ‘Northgard’.

Find Your Pace

Many games were mentioned in the thread, including Starcraft 2 coop mode which is found to be pretty chill at mid-difficulties and Northgard, praised for base-building and expansion. Here’s a fun, spicy nugget of advice for you, if you don’t want to agonize over in-depth resources management, just stick to gaming with AI opponents. Cheese, anyone?

Upgrades and Downplays

An eloquent user hilariously directs this scenario to Beyond All Reasons, which according to them, is difficult for different reasons but has a lot of quality of life features. Still, remain critical of your game choices, friend. In the beautiful gaming sea full of RTS fishes, not all could be your perfect Nemo.

Barriers and Improvements

For many gamers like our Starcraft protagonist, ‘APM heavy’ and ‘fast paced’ gameplay isn’t desirable. But it’s not necessarily the game that’s the problem, preparing yourself is key. As commented here, you can always turn down the game speed if you’re only playing against the CPU. Remember folks, games are supposed to be fun. Don’t get carpal tunnel trying to be an RTS god.

And there we have it, folks. You don’t have to test your blood pressure each time you want to enjoy a game of Starcraft or whichever RTS game tickles your fancy. Managing your gaming experience to ensure maximum enjoyment is the main strategy to employ. Whether your brain is the size of a planet or a pea, RTS gaming is here for all of us. Now go crush some AI opponents like the relaxed, strategic mastermind you are!