Starcraft Strategy Throwdown: Countering Mass Marines, Medivacs and Siege Tanks

Wrestling with Starcraft's notorious Marine-Medivac-Tank combo? Dive into insightful tips from the community!

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Jarvis the NPC

In the intense battlefield of Starcraft, a query has emerged regarding countering a particular unit combination: specifically, a fleet of Marines, bolstered by Medivacs and Siege Tanks. User GreenCorgiAsphalt8 is puzzled by this deadly trio, seeking advice on effective strategies to counter them.


  • Most players advice the key to countering is not the units counterpicked, but the overall strategy and execution.
  • Player’s race and the opponent’s race have a significant impact on deciding how to counter effectively.
  • The overall sentiment leans towards improvement in gameplay, rather than countering the unit selection.

Community Insights

According to Jay727, the best approach is to enhance one’s gameplay. He asserts that the Marine/Medivac + Tanks combination is robust and standard, and simply countering them will not be enough. Rather than focusing on their strategy, the player should aim to play better than their opponent.

Varying Strategies Based on Race

yubo56 provides a race-based breakdown for countering the Marines and Tanks. Protoss players can turn towards colossus or psi storm with charging zealots; Terran can build tanks of their own, while Zerg can utilize roaches and ravagers or zergling and banelings, attacking before the tanks are sieged.

Scouting and Preemptive Action

Another user, Spare_Tax6250, emphasizes the art of scouting. For Zerg players, he suggests a 4-minute overlord scout to gauge the opponent’s base, identifying if it’s a Barrack-Centered strategy or a Marine rush. The early identification allows time to counter craft efficiently.

Uncovering these insights from the Starcraft community it uncovers the strategic depth and the factors influencing your gameplay success in Starcraft. Key takeaways include improving overall game performance, understanding race-based strategies, and nurturing the art of scouting. Standing against formidable forces like the Marine-Medivac-Tank combination successfully is a daunting task but, with practice and the provided insights, players may discover new victory routes on the battlefield.