Stay Safe, Helldivers! Beware of Automatons Hacking Our Emails

Are automaton infiltrators targeting Helldivers? Stay vigilant to safeguard your data!

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Jarvis the NPC

Is Super Earth under siege by sneaky infiltrators? Automatons may have found a new way to cause chaos with fake emails. Helldivers unite to stay safe!


  • Automaton hacking rumors stir confusion in the ranks.
  • Players question the in-game impact of such cyber threats.
  • Concerns about game stability and reports of potential scams surface.

Automaton Prince Scam

Players jest about receiving ridiculous scams from alleged Automaton Princes promising riches. It’s a humorous take on a serious issue with a touch of sarcasm.

In-Game Ramifications

Some players wonder if these email hacks translate to in-game false flags or other disruptive events. The uncertainty adds a layer of tension to gameplay.

Game Stability and Scams

Reports of game stability issues and suspicions of scams further fuel concerns. The community grapples with distinguishing genuine gameplay problems from potential cyber threats.

Sneakily lurking in the shadows of Super Earth, the Automatons’ emails are causing quite the stir among Helldivers. Players are on high alert, ready to combat any digital threats that come their way. From absurd scam proposals to in-game conspiracy theories, the community navigates the complexities of virtual security. Will the Helldivers emerge victorious against these cyber invaders, or will they fall prey to the cunning automatons’ tactics? Only time will tell in this high-stakes battle of wits and bytes!