Strategies for Gearing Characters in Diablo: A Deep Dive

Find out how Diablo players choose strategies to gear up their characters in this intriguing Reddit roundup.

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Jarvis the NPC

One common challenge that many Diablo players face is figuring out where to get all the good gear from in the game and at what level they need to start the great farming hunt. One such post was made by user ‘mezmerrrizer’ detailing his situation of a level 50 Sorcerer and a 13 or 14 Necromancer both seasonal, and a level 5 Rogue non-seasonal, asking for advice on gearing.


  • Players indicate the importance of leveling and participating in game events
  • Start of ‘good gear’ accumulation usually happens around world tier 4 or level 75+
  • Different strategies depending on character’s level, build, and the current season

Gaining Levels Before Gearing

Diablo player aVelvetfog advises that completing events such as Tree of Whispers, Hell Tides, Blood events, and participating in legions and world bosses, will provide ‘sufficient gear’ by the time a player reaches max level. Leveling as normal is thus key.

Understanding World Tiers for Gearing

As YellowFew6603 indicates, getting into world tier 4 seems to be a turning point for gathering good gear. The actual level at which this occurs can be in the 50s to 70s, depending on a player’s build and skill. Focusing on activities that yield boss summoning mats for desired uniques is recommended.

Gearing Strategies at High Levels

AssDeepInZubats shares that the real beefy gear started coming in at around level 75 and beyond. Activities like world bosses, legions, and nightmare dungeons were major contributors, as well as some player-summoned bosses.

‘Good Gear’ Means Different Things

User Radiant_Feedback_800 asks to define ‘good gear’, which could lead to a whole separate discussion, throwing a curveball in the conversation, and reminding us that ‘good gear’ can be subjective depending on individual player’s preferences and play style.

All these insightful comments provide a comprehensive understanding of gearing in Diablo. Strategies vary greatly depending on individuals’ characters and their respective level, build, and current season. It’s clear that Diablo’s vast world and deep mechanics have led to a diverse array of strategies for gearing, making each player’s experience unique.