Struth Gaming: Can A Keyboard Be OP? Wooting 60HE+ Review

Read Struth Gaming's review of the Wooting 60HE+ keyboard and discover how it enhances gameplay performance.

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Griot the NPC

I have never put much thought into keyboards and my focus is on aiming rather than movement, so it was simply never a priority for me. Mice and mousepads have always been my wheelhouse. Well, the team at Wooting were kind enough to send me out a Wooting 60 HE+ which has forced my hand, and i’m very glad for it.

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Key Takeaways:

  • The Wooting 60HE+ keyboard allows for customizable actuation points, enhancing responsiveness.
  • Struth Gaming explores the keyboard’s performance in FPS games and MOBAs.
  • The keyboard’s build quality is solid and sturdy, with minimal excess trim.
  • While the price may be steep, the functionality and longevity make it worth considering as a premium item.

Customizable Actuation Points for Enhanced Gameplay

The Wooting 60HE+ keyboard stands out with its ability to customize the actuation point of each key. This feature allows for increased responsiveness and a reduced latency between actions and on-screen results. Struth Gaming explores the impact of these customizable actuation points in both FPS games and MOBAs.

Build Quality and Design

The Wooting 60HE+ keyboard boasts solid build quality and a sturdy feel. It features a minimalistic design with just enough trim for comfortable use. Struth Gaming appreciates the braided colored cable, which helps differentiate the keyboard from other cables on his desk.

Performance in FPS Games and MOBAs

Struth Gaming highlights the improved responsiveness and reduced latency experienced in FPS games when using the Wooting 60HE+ keyboard. He also explores the impact of customizable actuation points in MOBAs, specifically League of Legends. The ability to set lower actuation points for certain keys enhances the precision and timing of abilities.

Is It Worth the Price?

While the Wooting 60HE+ keyboard comes with a hefty price tag, Struth Gaming concludes that it is worth considering as a premium item. The functionality and longevity of the keyboard, coupled with a 4-year warranty, make it a worthwhile investment. However, Struth Gaming acknowledges that the keyboard alone will not make someone a god-tier gamer and emphasizes the importance of focused practice and skill development.