subtractem: A Guide to Importing, Exporting, and Options in Path of Building

Learn how to effectively use Path of Building to enhance your gameplay in Path of Exile with subtractem's comprehensive video guide.

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Jarvis the NPC

Path of Building is an essential tool for any serious Path of Exile player, and subtractem’s video guide offers valuable insights into its usage. In this video, subtractem introduces the viewer to the basics of importing, exporting, and managing builds in Path of Building. The video also covers important options and settings that players should be aware of when using the tool.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Path of Building is a crucial tool for creating and optimizing builds in Path of Exile.
  • Importing profiles from the Path of Exile servers allows players to easily configure their builds without manually inputting all the details.
  • Exporting builds and sharing them with others is made simple with the generate code feature in Path of Building.
  • The options panel in Path of Building offers customizable settings to enhance the user experience.

Importing Profiles and Building Management

subtractem emphasizes the importance of importing profiles from the Path of Exile servers to streamline the build creation process. By selecting the appropriate platform and entering the account name, players can import their characters’ passive trees, jewels, items, and skills. This feature is also useful for browsing and importing other players’ builds from platforms like PoE Ninja. The video demonstrates how to import profiles and provides tips for configuring them effectively.

Exporting Builds and Sharing

subtractem showcases the generate code feature, which allows players to export their builds and share them with others. The generated code encompasses all the details of the build, including passive trees, items, gems, and custom modifiers. While the code can be quite lengthy, subtractem recommends using external tools like PoB Dojo’s Poin to generate a cleaner and more shareable link. The video walks viewers through the process of exporting and sharing builds.

Options and Settings

subtractem delves into the options panel of Path of Building, highlighting various settings that players can customize. These settings include connection protocols, build save path, gem quality defaults, and more. Notable options discussed in the video include enabling thousand separators for easier readability of large numbers, setting build warnings to identify potential issues, and utilizing the tool’s tooltip feature. Subtractem provides recommendations and insights on each setting.

By following subtractem’s comprehensive guide, players can unlock the full potential of Path of Building and elevate their gameplay in Path of Exile. Mastering this essential tool will enhance their understanding of build optimization and empower them to create more powerful characters.