Suicide Squad: A Peaceful World in the Chaos of Online Gaming

Joining an afk player in Suicide Squad leads to a peaceful world. But is the game worth it?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad has its fair share of online escapades, from unexpectedly finding AFK players to forming unexpected alliances. Read on for the chaos and tranquility that await.


  • The game surprises players with unusual encounters like AFK moments.
  • Players express regret over the game’s value for money.
  • Solo play or with known friends with mics is recommended for a better experience.

Rocksteady Employee or Harry Potter?

One user speculated that the AFK player encountered was a Rocksteady employee unassigned to the Harry Potter project.

The Regretful $100

Another player voiced their regret for spending $100 on the game, vowing never to do it again.

Solo or Friends?

Some players advocate for solo play or teaming up with friends who have mics for a more enjoyable gameplay.

With moments of serenity amidst chaos and varied opinions on its value, Suicide Squad offers a unique gaming experience for its players.