Suicide Squad Gaming Predictions: What Will Happen When the Timer Hits 0?

Discover what Reddit users predict will occur when the Suicide Squad battle pass timer hits zero. Will Rocksteady surprise fans or disappoint them?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad gaming fans are buzzing with excitement and speculation as the battle pass timer ticks down. What will happen when it hits zero tomorrow?


  • Rocksteady’s lack of communication sparks uncertainty among players.
  • Speculation ranges from positive surprises to game shutdowns.
  • Users anticipate potential updates or new patches with skepticism.

Sirextreme’s Prediction

One user humorously suggests the timer will hit zero and simply remain stuck at zero, symbolizing the game’s current state of limbo.

Important_Sky_7609’s Insight

Another user jokes about the small team at Rocksteady and their own speculation about the timer’s end, indicating a lack of confidence in the game’s development.

CoachCalvin’s Speculation

A user foresees the clock disappearing forever, hinting at a potential bleak outcome post-timer expiration.

DatUsaGuy’s Analysis

One user presents a detailed prediction, suggesting the timer may go into negative counts due to the lack of official news, but remains hopeful for positive surprises.

theOutside517’s Bet

A user predicts a drastic move where the game may be shut down entirely, showcasing pessimism about the game’s future.

Questions arise about the roadmap and update frequency, reflecting players’ eagerness for clarity amidst uncertainty. As the countdown nears its end, the community prepares for potential chaos or celebration.