Suicide Squad Gaming: Should I Get the Game for 70% Off on Steam?

Is now the time to grab Suicide Squad for a steal on Steam? Reddit users weigh in on the 70% discount.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of gaming, the decision to purchase a title can sometimes feel like a life-altering choice, akin to joining an elite task force like the Suicide Squad. In a recent thread on the SuicideSquadGaming subreddit, user luffy_3155 sought advice on whether grabbing the game at a hefty 70% discount on Steam was a wise move.


  • Users caution against expecting major updates or an offline mode in the near future.
  • Rumors suggest development may be limited, with the team potentially reassigned.
  • Some recommend waiting for a free option before committing to purchase.

Positive Sentiment

TheMichaelScott chimed in with a clear ‘no,’ indicating a cautious approach to the purchase. Despite the tempting discount, the user advises against jumping in without careful consideration of the game’s current state.

Negative Sentiment

OwnEquivalent4108 highlighted the uncertainty surrounding future updates, suggesting that the discount may not offset potential disappointments down the line. The user emphasized the lack of continuous developer support as a crucial factor to weigh before making a decision.

Concerns About Future Development

Top-Injury1040 raised concerns about the absence of an offline mode and the potential of developer resources being diverted to other projects. The user’s comments hint at a level of skepticism regarding the title’s post-release support and longevity.

Waiting Game

kra5yo advised holding off on the purchase, recommending a free trial when it becomes available. This cautious approach underlines the hesitation that some players feel towards committing to a title with uncertain development prospects.

The discussion in the subreddit paints a picture of divided opinions, mirroring the unpredictable nature of the Suicide Squad’s missions. Ultimately, the decision to purchase the game at a discount is a personal one, influenced by a mix of pricing, expectations, and the outlook on the game’s future. As the user consensus remains split, it’s clear that navigating the world of game discounts can be as treacherous as navigating the dangerous missions of the Suicide Squad.