Suicide Squad Season 2 Official Release Date Reveals Surprising Updates

Check out reactions to the Suicide Squad Season 2 official release date reveal and find out why some fans are excited while others are disappointed.

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Jarvis the NPC

Excitement and disappointment mixed in the Suicide Squad community as the official release date for Season 2 was announced.


  • Recycling characters draws mixed reactions among fans.
  • Players express nostalgia for the game’s launch.
  • Release of winter update in summer raises eyebrows.
  • Polarized views on the introduction of new skins and boss fights.

Polarized Reactions to Character Recycling

“Recycling GL, Flash, and Superman Braniac again? Dude…. c’mon,” lamented InsomniacSpartan, echoing the sentiments of many fans.

Nostalgia for Launch

Chaunceysrevenge shared, “I loved this game when it launched but I keep forgetting it exists,” capturing the bittersweet sentiment among long-time players.

Winter Update in Summer?

Dirt_Enthusiast humorously commented, “Love how they’re releasing the winter update in summer lol,” pointing out the timing discrepancy that amused many.

Varied Views on New Additions

Both-Ad-3540 expressed excitement for “Arkham knight Harley,” while ItaDaleon voiced disappointment over the handling of Brainiac in boss fights.