Suicide Squad: Who Would You Choose?

Players discuss swapping main characters in Suicide Squad game, sparking debates on ideal team lineup.

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Jarvis the NPC

In a universe where Harley, Deadshot, Captain Boomerang, and King Shark reign supreme in the Suicide Squad, Reddit users indulged in a hypothetical scenario posed by Jack-mclaughlin89 – If you could change the four main playable characters, who would you choose?


  • Players debate swapping members of the original Suicide Squad lineup.
  • Discussions revolve around character strengths, thematic fit, and potential gameplay dynamics.
  • Users suggest alternative characters from the Arkhamverse for a revamped team composition.

Mikkimin: A Contrarian View

Mikkimin criticizes the proposed lineup, stating that all picks except for Deathstroke make zero sense.

PeteyJYo: The Superpower Twist

PeteyJYo introduces a twist, suggesting a lineup based more on superpowers than guns, drawing parallels to the Avengers for gameplay and narrative cohesion.

ItaDaleon: A Specific Swap

ItaDaleon suggests swapping Deadshot for Arkhamshot in the squad, implying a potential enhancement in the team dynamic.

JayAdams_AC3: The Batman Connection

JayAdams_AC3 proposes Red Hood as a logical addition due to his gun use and connection to Batman, adding a layer of thematic depth.

spider-jedi: Stick to the Theme

spider-jedi advocates for maintaining the gun-based nature of the team, emphasizing consistency with the shooter gameplay.

Jdog6704: The Magic Touch

Jdog6704 suggests a diverse lineup including Enchantress for her magical abilities, reflecting on character popularity and thematic relevance to the squad.