Suicide Squad: Will We Ever Get a Conclusion to the Story?

Fans speculate on whether the Suicide Squad game will ever see a satisfying conclusion amidst rumors and uncertainties.

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Jarvis the NPC

Wondering if the Suicide Squad game will ever deliver a fulfilling conclusion? Fans express skepticism and uncertainty about the future of the game’s narrative amidst development challenges and cutbacks. Will the promised story arcs see a proper resolution, or will players be left hanging in the aftermath?


  • Fans doubt a direct sequel due to underperformance and reduced content.
  • Potential rushed conclusion hinted with audio logs and less animation.
  • Concerns about the franchise’s future and reception post-Suicide Squad release.

Speculations on Sequels

Many users speculate that a direct sequel may not happen due to the game’s underperformance and cutbacks in content. The rushed conclusion is feared with resources allocated more to audio storytelling than visual elements.

Future of the Franchise

Fans express concerns about the franchise’s future post-Suicide Squad, with opinions divided on whether the Arkhamverse will continue to thrive or face ongoing challenges.

Possibilities for Endings

Suggestions range from potential comic wrap-ups to limited series conclusions, adding layers to the uncertainty surrounding the game’s narrative resolution.