Summoning Zagreus: A Journey into the World of Hades Altars

Delve into the underworld of player creativity in Hades as a fan crafts an altar dedicated to Zagreus.

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Jarvis the NPC

Dive into the underworld as a fan unveils their artisan creation in homage to Zagreus, sparking a debate among fellow players in the Hades community.


  • Artistic dedication or missed opportunity?
  • Community acclaim for intricate craftsmanship.
  • Discussion on the choice between Zagreus and Melinoë.

Player’s Craftsmanship Shines

Estonian_Snowflakes’ altar to Zagreus shines brightly within the Hades community, garnering awe and admiration for its intricate details and heartfelt dedication.

A Shrine for Zagreus

Players express admiration for the commitment and creativity displayed in crafting a personal altar for Zagreus, showcasing the depth of fan dedication to the game’s lore.

Intriguing Choice

The decision to focus on Zagreus over Melinoë sparks a debate among fans, with some highlighting the significance of the protagonist in the game’s narrative.

Immerse yourself in the world of Hades altars and witness the passion and creativity that define the game’s devoted community.