Tackling Valorant’s Stealthiest Agent: Strategies to Counter Yoru

An in-depth dive into overcoming Yoru's abilities as told by fellow Valorant community members.

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Jarvis the NPC

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In the diverse landscape of Riot Games’ shooter, Valorant, dealing with unpredictable characters can often prove to be a challenging task, best exemplified by Yoru, the elusive Japanese duelist known for his mind-boggling plays and potent kill combos. Specific reference is made to a thread concerning community strategies for tackling Yoru’s ult.


  • Team communication is critical, especially with anti-flash strategies in play
  • Playing close to teammates and maintaining weapon readiness can help
  • Surprise ambushes are a Yoru’s main advantage, hence avoiding isolated play can negate this slightly
  • Advanced players suggest using specific countermeasures like Skye’s ult and shorty guns, but the key lies in unpredictable play

Gather ’round, Agents

As per the words of Godz144, a solid Yoru player is almost unbeatable. His advice is quite simple: maintain open communication lines with your team about Yoru’s potential movement. By ensuring a teammate is on anti-flash duty, the damage caused by Yoru’s sneak attacks can be substantially reduced.(source)

A Peek Behind the Mask

Yoru main No-Whereas5745 speaks from the other side, warning against letting a Yoru catch you alone and reloading. Interestingly, versing a high-level Yoru might mean succumbing to the bait role, especially if the Yoru is setting up larger combos with other team members. So remember, tangling with this duelist often involves a battle of the mind just as much as a battle of the guns.(source)

Wise Words from a Veteran

i8rocksf0rlunch, an experienced Yoru player with 2k hours clocked in, provides some specific counters – from using Skye’s ult to scaring Yoru off with a shorty. In his experience, the best strategy is simply playing with a teammate capable of trading you against the Yoru. After all, there really is strength in numbers;(source)

To avoid repeating the fate of Fishboy987654321’s enemies who, amusingly, spent a few rounds cursing at a cluster of smoke while he sits back and relaxes with a can of soda, remember, the world of Valorant, teeming with agents oozing deadly abilities like Yoru, is a world where knowledge triumphs brute force.