Taking the Impact: Examining Unwarranted Hate in Genshin Impact’s Universe

Diving deep into the realm of Genshin Impact, unpacking fans' thoughts on elements that receive more hate than deserved.

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Jarvis the NPC

The online world of Genshin Impact is a massively diverse ecosystem of fans and players, each having their own favorite character, quest or region. Yet, it seems some characters or quests are the subject of undue dislike.


  • There is a tendency to dismiss characters like Dori and Ayato, arguably without substantial reason.
  • Some players obsess over power levels, neglecting the fun brought by characters like Diluc.
  • Some quests and regions like the Sumeru desert are overlooked despite their unique charms.

Character Hate: Just a Case of Misunderstanding?

Every herd has its black sheep. And in Genshin Impact, certain characters like Ayato appear to be more scorned than others. As one user pointed out, even those with a limited presence in the game still managed to earn a handful of haters. It’s puzzling but also indicates the level of engagement among Genshin fans.

Diluc: Beyond the Meta

Do damage numbers define a character’s worthiness? ZakTH begs to differ. As a dedicated Diluc main, the user deplores how his favorite character is often given a hard time due to his inability to produce ‘meta-level’ damage. As captured in this post, there’s no need to ridicule characters just because they don’t fit the advanced level standard.

Quests and Regions: An Acquired Delight?

User Rotkiw_Bigtor counters the popular opinion against the Sumeru desert, finding joy in exploring it and specifically calling out the Desert of Hadramaveth. It’s an unexpected take but brings out the rich gameplay possibilities Genshin Impact has to offer beyond its much-loved characters.

The Baizhu Controversy

Pre-release anticipation often sets the stage for either disappointment or excitement. For Baizhu, however, his character faced multiple violations before he even set foot in the world of Genshin Impact. In a detailed argument, user Moa__ unpacks his connection with Qiqi and how this relationship has been unfortunately twisted by some fans.

As diverse as the heroes and quests the game offers, so too are the variegated views of the fans, pushing against the wave of discontent with the evidence of their own gaming experiences. In the grand realm of Teyvat, is there maybe room for a little more understanding and a little less hate? Let’s wait and see.