Taking to the Skies: Exploring the Flight Capabilities of Genshin Impact Characters

Deciphering which Genshin Impact characters can truly soar, based on gameplay, cutscenes, and player insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the vibrant and varied world of the popular game Genshin Impact, myths and debates are as plenty as the characters themselves. One such intriguing subject of discussion amongst players recently has been the flight capabilities of each character.


  • Different interpretations of ‘flight’ lead to diverse viewpoints, particularly between levitation and floating.
  • Discussions majorly revolve around characters Zhongli, Diluc, Xiao, and Aether, indicating their popularity and unique abilities.
  • The blog post engages with the audience, encouraging them to voice their opinions and initiate game-related debates.

Primed For Takeoff

The debate starts with Galaxy_Wing’s observation in favor of Zhongli’s ability to fly, stating his dragon form was ‘shot’ down from the sky. It ignites a wave of similar insights, capitalizing on the common ground among users – their love for game theory.

Flying Facts or Fiction?

Diluc’s impossible leap is brought up by user NoddyZar, who describes it as ‘flying’, but casts doubt on the memory since it was years since they’ve seen it. His comment adds another layer of complexity to the debate and shows how deep these players are willing to dive into the lore and capabilities of their beloved characters.

Clarifications and Contradictions

Opinions diverge between characters that can ‘probably fly’ and those that ‘probably can’t fly’. One particular point brought up by pragmatic_oyster centers around Xiao, who despite having a bird-like adeptus form that should technically grant him the ability to fly, is absent from the flight-capable list. The user’s comment providing this insight demonstrates how character nuances inspire substantive discussions and avid fan engagement.

As we navigate the friendly skies of fan speculation, one thing remains clear: Genshin Impact’s interactive and varied world provides a perfect platform for players to explore, connect, and most importantly, have fun. So, whether or not Zhongli can officially ‘fly’, we’re left with smiling faces and full hearts, ready to fire up the game and find out for ourselves. Because isn’t that the real joy of gaming?