Taming The Tides of ‘Clash Royale’: A Pondering over Cycle Decks

Longing for a change in the Clash Royale cycle decks arena? Be part of the insightful discussion!

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Jarvis the NPC

In ‘Clash Royale’, the influence of cycle decks continues to loom large and this has a profound impact on the gaming community. One earnest user, King-S07, proposed an intriguing idea to nerf cycle decks and consequently bring more balance to the game.


  • This novel idea suggests regulating the time it takes for a card to be added to a players hand based on its elixir cost. Cheaper cards will take longer to be added, aiming to discourage their overuse.
  • It targets defensive capabilities of cycle decks which are currently viewed as too dominant.
  • It also encourages using more expensive cards, intending to diversify game strategies

User Reactions

Community response to King-S07’s suggestions has been mixed. QforKillers, for instance, agreed with the post, likening the current state of cycle decks to eating just a slice of white bread at a restaurant. ‘Boring’ was the verdict for the unidimensional gameplay strategy.

On the other hand, player Kal-El_6500 felt the annoyance but emphasized that cycle decks were not invincible, reminding us perhaps that mastering counter-strategies can lead to their defeat. After all, it never hurts to maintain some perspective, right?

Feasibility Concerns

Beyond opinions on the strategy itself, users raised concerns over the feasibility of implementing such changes. For example, NateRiver03 voiced skepticism regarding the game developers’ willingness or ability to make this sort of adjustment, citing the sheer amount of work and potential resistance to disturbing the game balance.

In the end, it’s rather evident that the tug of war between cycle decks lovers and haters continues, with potential for change resting mainly with the ‘Clash Royale’ developers. Will their gamers’ voices reach them and prompt action? As the debate reignites in the community, this waiting game could potentially lead to a ‘Royale’ showdown!