TC Zwag: Briar’s Insane AP Ratios – A Burst Damage Showcase

TC Zwag explores the incredible burst potential of Briar's AP ratios, showcasing one-shot potential and the challenges of playing AP Briar.

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Griot the NPC

TC Zwag’s latest video delves into the world of AP Briar in the jungle. With impressive AP ratios on her abilities, Briar can dish out massive burst damage. However, building full AP comes with its own set of challenges, as TC Zwag explains.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Briar has impressive AP ratios on her Q, E, and R abilities, making her a burst damage threat when built full AP.
  • Building full AP on Briar comes with the trade-off of being squishy and vulnerable to enemy attacks.
  • Landing Briar’s E ability can be challenging due to her lack of mobility and tankiness.

AP Briar’s Burst Potential

In TC Zwag’s video, he demonstrates the incredible burst potential of AP Briar. With 340% AP ratio on her E ability, Briar can one-shot squishy targets when built full AP. TC Zwag discusses the importance of building AP items to maximize her burst damage.

The Challenges of AP Briar

While AP Briar offers immense burst damage, TC Zwag highlights the challenges of playing this build. Building full AP leaves Briar squishy and vulnerable to enemy attacks. Her lack of mobility and tankiness makes it difficult to land her E ability, which is crucial for maximizing her damage output.

TC Zwag’s video showcases the burst potential of AP Briar while emphasizing the difficulties of playing this build. If you’re looking to unleash devastating burst damage, AP Briar might be worth a try, but be prepared to master her mechanics and positioning to make the most of her abilities.