TC Zwag: Illegal Galio Build Sets a Magic Resist World Record

TC Zwag pushes the limits of Galio's magic resist with a unique build in this entertaining and high-damage gameplay video.

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Griot the NPC

TC Zwag’s latest video showcases a unique and unconventional build for Galio in the Top Lane. By stacking magic resist items, Zwag sets a world record for the highest magic resist on Galio, resulting in him taking almost no damage from the enemy team. The video features gameplay footage of Zwag dominating the game and showcasing the power of this illegal build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • TC Zwag sets a world record for the highest magic resist on Galio with an unconventional build.
  • The illegal Galio build allows Zwag to take minimal damage from the enemy team, even against AP champions.
  • Zwag showcases the power of the build through dominating gameplay and high damage output.

Unleashing the Power of Galio’s Magic Resist

In the video, TC Zwag explains the reasoning behind his illegal Galio build. By stacking magic resist items, Zwag takes advantage of Galio’s passive ability, which grants him damage based on his magic resist. This unique build allows Zwag to become virtually unkillable, even against multiple AP champions on the enemy team. Throughout the gameplay footage, Zwag takes minimal damage from the enemy team, showcasing the power of this unconventional build.

Domination in the Top Lane

Zwag’s gameplay in the Top Lane is a masterclass in utilizing Galio’s tankiness and damage potential. Despite facing off against multiple AP champions, Zwag easily outtrades and outmaneuvers his opponents. His high magic resist allows him to shrug off their damage, while his own abilities deal significant damage in return. Zwag’s ability to control the lane and secure kills demonstrates the effectiveness of his illegal Galio build.

Unconventional Strategies and Record-Breaking Results

The video highlights the importance of thinking outside the box when it comes to champion builds. Zwag’s illegal Galio build breaks the mold and sets a world record for the highest magic resist on Galio. By experimenting with unconventional strategies, players can discover new ways to maximize the potential of their favorite champions. Zwag’s success with this build serves as inspiration for players looking to push the boundaries and try something different in their own games.