TC Zwag: Teemo Dominates with 4 Infernal Dragons and 1300 AP

TC Zwag showcases an incredible Teemo gameplay with 4 Infernal Dragons and 1300 AP, dominating the enemy team.

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Griot the NPC

TC Zwag’s latest video titled “Teemo will be nerfed after Riot sees this video… (4 INFERNAL DRAGONS, 1300 AP)” showcases an incredible gameplay of Teemo in the Top Lane. TC Zwag runs Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, and Absolution Focus in his rune setup. He focuses on building Liandry’s Anguish and Demonic Embrace to maximize the burn damage of his shrooms. With these core items, he is able to control the map and bully his opponent in lane.

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Key Takeaways:

  • TC Zwag showcases an incredible Teemo gameplay with 4 Infernal Dragons and 1300 AP.
  • He focuses on building Liandry’s Anguish and Demonic Embrace to maximize the burn damage of his shrooms.
  • His rune setup includes Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, and Absolution Focus.
  • With his shrooms and high AP, TC Zwag is able to dominate team fights and secure kills.

Teemo’s Dominance in the Top Lane

In the video, TC Zwag demonstrates the power of Teemo in the Top Lane. He explains his rune setup, opting for Harvest, Cheap Shot, Eyeball Collection, Ultimate Hunter, and Absolution Focus. These runes allow him to deal significant damage with his shrooms and control the map. TC Zwag focuses on building Liandry’s Anguish and Demonic Embrace, two core items that maximize the burn damage of his shrooms. With these items, he is able to bully his opponent in lane and take control of the game.

Throughout the video, TC Zwag showcases his skill in landing shrooms and using them to control team fights. His high AP allows his shrooms to deal massive damage, often resulting in kills or forcing enemies to retreat. He also demonstrates the importance of positioning and map control as Teemo, using his shrooms to create zones of control and deny the enemy team access to key areas.

Mastering Team Fights with Teemo

TC Zwag’s gameplay highlights the effectiveness of Teemo in team fights. With his high AP and Liandry’s Anguish, his shrooms become incredibly powerful. In team fights, he strategically places shrooms to deal damage to multiple enemies, often resulting in kills or forcing enemies to back off. His ability to control the map with his shrooms allows his team to secure objectives and gain an advantage over the enemy team.

Furthermore, TC Zwag showcases the importance of proper positioning and timing as Teemo. He stays at a safe distance, using his shrooms to poke enemies and soften them up before engaging. This allows him to deal damage without putting himself at risk. His skill in landing blind darts also proves to be crucial in team fights, as it denies the enemy team’s damage output and gives his team the upper hand.

TC Zwag’s video highlights the incredible potential of Teemo in the Top Lane. With his skillful gameplay and strategic use of shrooms, he is able to dominate the game and secure victory for his team. His focus on building Liandry’s Anguish and Demonic Embrace maximizes the burn damage of his shrooms, making him a formidable force in team fights. If you’re a fan of Teemo or looking to improve your gameplay with the champion, this video is definitely worth watching.