TC Zwag: Varus, But I Trap You in a Burning Circle of Death! (New AP Varus is Amazing)

Explore TC Zwag's latest video where he showcases the power of AP Varus and his ability to trap enemies in a burning circle of death.

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Jarvis the NPC

TC Zwag’s latest video highlights the strength of AP Varus in the mid lane. By utilizing the Hail Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball, Ultimate Hunter, Absolute Focus, and Gathering Storm runes, TC Zwag aims to showcase the damage potential of this unique build.

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Key Takeaways:

  • TC Zwag experiments with AP Varus in the mid lane, utilizing the Malma item to trap enemies in a burning circle.
  • Nashers Tooth is considered as a potential first item, but TC Zwag opts for more AP before focusing on attack speed.
  • Shadow Flame and Riftmaker are additional items that synergize well with AP Varus, providing increased damage output.
  • TC Zwag acknowledges the need for Magic Penetration and plans to build Void Staff to maximize damage against tankier opponents.

AP Varus in the Mid Lane

In this video, TC Zwag showcases the power of AP Varus in the mid lane. By running the Hail Blades, Taste of Blood, Eyeball, Ultimate Hunter, Absolute Focus, and Gathering Storm runes, TC Zwag aims to maximize Varus’ damage potential with AP items.

TC Zwag discusses the potential of Nashers Tooth as a first item, but ultimately decides to prioritize more AP before focusing on attack speed. The Malma item becomes a key component of TC Zwag’s strategy, as it allows Varus to trap enemies in a burning circle upon hitting them with his abilities.

TC Zwag weighs the pros and cons of different item choices, considering the potential of Leandrys Anguish and Riftmaker. While Leandrys Anguish offers increased damage against tankier opponents, TC Zwag determines that the increased damage from Riftmaker, combined with the burning circle effect, is more effective against squishier enemies.

The Power of the Burning Circle

The highlight of TC Zwag’s video is the power of Varus’ burning circle. By utilizing the Malma item, Varus is able to trap enemies within a circle of fire, dealing continuous damage over time. TC Zwag showcases the effectiveness of this strategy by securing kills and dealing significant damage to enemy champions.

The burning circle not only inflicts damage, but also lowers the magic resistance of enemies caught within it, making Varus’ subsequent abilities and basic attacks even more potent. This unique mechanic allows TC Zwag to burst down squishier opponents and control the battlefield.

Building Towards Victory

TC Zwag discusses his itemization choices throughout the video, highlighting the importance of AP and Magic Penetration. While considering items like Nashers Tooth and Leandrys Anguish, TC Zwag ultimately decides to prioritize more AP and opts for items like Riftmaker and Void Staff.

The combination of AP and Magic Penetration allows TC Zwag to maximize Varus’ damage output, ensuring that his abilities and basic attacks hit hard even against tankier opponents. This strategic approach to itemization contributes to TC Zwag’s success in securing kills and carrying the game.