TC Zwag: Warwick’s Broken AP Build Dominates Top Lane

TC Zwag showcases the power of AP Warwick in the Top Lane, with insane healing and damage potential. Watch the video to learn more!

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Griot the NPC

TC Zwag’s latest video features an AP Warwick build that completely dominates the Top Lane. With 700 AP, Warwick’s Q ability becomes a devastating tool that not only deals massive damage, but also heals him for 75% of the damage dealt. This incredible sustain allows Warwick to stay in fights much longer and turn the tides in his favor.

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Key Takeaways:

  • AP Warwick build with 700 AP
  • Q ability heals for 75% of damage dealt
  • Strong sustain in fights
  • Potential to one-shot enemies

Warwick’s Dominance in the Top Lane

In TC Zwag’s video, he demonstrates the immense power of AP Warwick in the Top Lane. With a build focused on AP items, Warwick’s Q ability becomes a force to be reckoned with. Not only does it deal significant damage, but it also heals Warwick for a whopping 75% of the damage dealt. This allows Warwick to sustain through fights and stay in the Top Lane for extended periods of time.

TC Zwag opts for a Rod of Ages as his first item, providing him with scaling health, mana, and AP. This ensures that Warwick doesn’t die too quickly and can continue to dish out damage and sustain himself. He then considers building either Lich Bane or Nashor’s Tooth, depending on how much he can auto-attack the enemy. TC Zwag leans towards Lich Bane for its synergy with Warwick’s short trades using Q and Chomp.

The Power of Warwick’s Q Ability

The highlight of TC Zwag’s video is the incredible healing and damage potential of Warwick’s Q ability. With 700 AP, Warwick’s Q becomes a devastating tool in fights. It not only deals significant damage to enemies, but it also heals Warwick for 75% of the damage dealt. This means that each Q ability can potentially heal Warwick for his entire health bar, making him nearly unkillable in extended engagements.

With this level of sustain, Warwick becomes a formidable force in the Top Lane. He can trade effectively with enemies, survive ganks, and turn fights in his favor. TC Zwag showcases this power by taking on Garen, a traditionally strong laner. Despite Garen’s burst damage, Warwick’s Q healing allows him to come out on top in trades and secure kills.

AP Warwick’s Impact in Team Fights

AP Warwick’s dominance extends beyond the laning phase and into team fights. With his incredible sustain and damage potential, Warwick becomes a priority target for the enemy team. However, his healing and tankiness make him difficult to take down, allowing him to wreak havoc on the enemy backline.

In TC Zwag’s video, he demonstrates the effectiveness of AP Warwick in team fights. With well-timed engages and careful positioning, Warwick is able to dive into the enemy team, deal massive damage, and sustain through their attacks. His Q ability becomes a potent tool for bursting down squishy targets, while his healing keeps him alive in the midst of chaos.

Overall, TC Zwag’s video showcases the incredible power of AP Warwick in the Top Lane. With his high AP scaling and healing on Q, Warwick becomes an unstoppable force that can dominate the laning phase and carry team fights. If you’re looking for a unique and powerful build to try out, AP Warwick is definitely worth considering.