TDT: Ranking the Best and Worst Destiny 2 Supers of 2024

TDT ranks the best and worst Destiny 2 supers of 2024, evaluating their performance in both PvE and PvP.

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Griot the NPC

TDT’s latest video ranks all the Destiny 2 supers of 2024, taking into account their effectiveness in both PvE and PvP scenarios. The video provides a comprehensive breakdown of each super, discussing their strengths, weaknesses, and optimal use cases. Whether you’re a fan of Nova Warp or prefer the classic Vortex Nova Bomb, TDT’s ranking offers valuable insights for players looking to optimize their super usage.

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Key Takeaways:

  • TDT ranks all Destiny 2 supers of 2024 based on their performance in both PvE and PvP.
  • Supers like Six-Shot Goldie, Song of Flame, and Twilight Arsenal are considered the best in their respective categories.
  • Spectr Blades and Fist of Havoc are ranked as the worst supers due to their lackluster performance and limited utility.

Nova Warp: B Tier

Nova Warp is a PvP-focused super that excels when paired with the Astrocyte Verse and Feed the Void aspect. However, it falls short in PvE engagements, lacking the ad-clear capabilities of other supers.

Vortex Nova Bomb: A Tier

Vortex Nova Bomb offers comparable damage to its popular Slova counterpart. It is especially useful in PvP scenarios where the Cataclysm seekers are not desired.

Cataclysm: S Tier

Cataclysm is a top-tier super that excels in both PvE and PvP. Its versatility and utility make it a reliable choice for various engagements.

Storm Trance: C Tier

Storm Trance is a relic of a bygone era when supers prioritized ad-clear abilities over PvP dominance. In its current state, it struggles to compete with other supers in PvP.