TDT: Titans… hear me out: New Destiny 2 Exotic

TDT discusses a new exotic Titan helmet that could bring back their tank identity and improve their role in Destiny 2.

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Griot the NPC

Titans in Destiny 2 have been struggling to find their place as the melee class, with other classes often performing better. TDT presents a potential solution in the form of a new exotic Titan helmet called Call to Arms. This helmet grants damage resistance to all allies, provides bonus super energy, and automatically reloads on kills while the super is active. It also offers an overshield and bonus weapon damage based on the number of eliminations before the super ends. These additions could make Titans the anchor of the team and encourage the use of longer-lasting range supers.

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Key Takeaways:

  • Titans in Destiny 2 have struggled to fulfill their tank identity.
  • The new exotic Titan helmet, Call to Arms, grants damage resistance, bonus super energy, automatic reloads, overshield, and bonus weapon damage.
  • These additions could make Titans the anchor of the team and encourage the use of longer-lasting range supers.

The Titan Identity Crisis

Titans in Destiny 2 have been facing an identity crisis. While they are supposed to be the melee class, it often feels like other classes, such as Hunters or Warlocks, perform better in close combat situations. This has led to a decrease in the popularity of Titans among players.

However, TDT proposes a solution in the form of a new exotic Titan helmet called Call to Arms. This helmet comes with a powerful exotic perk that can potentially bring back the tank identity of Titans and make them more appealing to players.

The Power of Call to Arms

Call to Arms offers several benefits that can significantly enhance the role of Titans in Destiny 2. Firstly, while wearing the helmet and in the super state, Titans and all their allies gain damage resistance. This not only makes Titans more durable but also provides a protective shield to their teammates, making them a valuable asset in team engagements.

Additionally, Call to Arms grants bonus super energy to all allies while the Titan is in their super state. This means that not only will the Titan have access to their super more frequently, but their teammates will also benefit from increased super energy, allowing for more coordinated and powerful team plays.

Furthermore, the helmet offers an automatic reload on kills while the super is active. This eliminates the need for manual reloading, ensuring that Titans can continuously dish out damage without interruptions, further solidifying their role as the anchor of the team.

But the perks of Call to Arms don’t stop there. The exotic helmet also provides an overshield and bonus weapon damage based on the number of eliminations scored before the super ends. This incentivizes Titans to score as many eliminations as possible, rewarding skilled players with additional defensive capabilities and increased damage output.

Embracing the Tank Role

By introducing the Call to Arms exotic helmet, Destiny 2 has the opportunity to bring back the tank identity of Titans. With its various perks that promote team play, survivability, and damage output, Titans can once again become the anchor of the team, fulfilling their role as the protector and frontline warrior.

Furthermore, the addition of Call to Arms may also encourage the use of longer-lasting range supers among Titans. Currently, many players opt for supers with shorter durations due to their higher mobility and versatility. However, with the bonus weapon damage and overshield provided by Call to Arms, Titans may find it more rewarding to choose supers that offer greater range and endurance, allowing them to effectively hold down key positions and provide valuable support to their teammates.

Overall, the introduction of the Call to Arms exotic Titan helmet has the potential to revitalize the Titan class in Destiny 2. By enhancing their tank identity and offering unique perks that benefit the entire team, Titans can once again become a formidable force on the battlefield.