Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – A Beginner’s Journey in the Carousel

Embark on a comical adventure with a new Team Fight Tactics (TFT) player learning the ropes post-Bronze.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) can be a whirlwind of confusion for new players, as one Reddit user discovers the joys and challenges of the game. Xeebers, a self-proclaimed new player, shares their struggles and successes in a humorous take on the TFT world.


  • Carousel chaos and character confusion
  • Learning through gameplay and experimentation
  • The importance of Econ and gameplay strategies

Overwhelmed by Hot Ladies and Monsters

As a newbie, Xeebers finds themselves lost in a sea of character models, struggling to differentiate between ‘hot ladies’ and monsters. The carousel becomes a daunting experience, with little guidance on identifying units based on their appearances.

Learning the Ropes

Despite the initial struggles, Xeebers finds solace in post-match analysis and observation. Staying after the game to examine units and items allows for a stress-free learning environment, aiding in familiarizing oneself with the game elements.

A Comedic Learning Curve

Fellow Redditors offer words of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of playing to learn and experimenting with different strategies. From Econ tips to recognizing unit traits, the TFT community provides insights and encouragement to navigate the game’s complexities.

Categories TFT