Team Fight Tactics (TFT) Aint Hitting Tactics and Strategies

Dealing with bad luck in TFT? Reddit users share their humorous strategies to cope with hitting misses and pivoting fails.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have to deal with the frustration of missing hits. One player shared a relatable experience where missing a crucial moment led to uncontested bad luck.


  • Players pivot strategies due to missed opportunities, leading to humorous outcomes.
  • Despite setbacks, players find ways to adapt and make the best out of a bad situation.
  • Strategies ranging from blaming the developer to rolling away all gold exemplify the diverse player responses.

Blaming Mort and Moving On

One player humorously suggests blaming Mort before praying and moving on to the next game, showcasing a lighthearted approach to handling setbacks.

Adaptation and Expectation Management

Another player emphasizes adjusting expectations and making the most out of poor rolls by focusing on minimizing LP losses and optimizing current resources.

Pivoting and Acceptance

Players discuss the importance of pivoting strategies mid-game, with some resorting to unconventional tactics like donkey rolling, showcasing the creativity and adaptability within the community.

Regardless of the approach, TFT players showcase resilience and humor in the face of challenging game moments, making the experience more enjoyable and relatable for all.

Categories TFT