Team Fight Tactics (TFT): Community Sentiments on the Latest Set

Is the latest Team Fight Tactics set boring or balanced? Community opinions vary!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have mixed feelings about the latest set. Some find it boring, while others praise its balance. Let’s dive into the community discussions to gauge the overall sentiment.


  • Players appreciate the balance of the current set, despite some finding it boring.
  • Opinions vary on the uniqueness and fun factor of the set.
  • There is consensus that the meta has become stale for some players.

Critical Comments

While some players commend the balance of the set, others criticize the lack of uniqueness and overused mechanics. One user pointed out the repetitive nature of traits, mechanics, and champions across sets, expressing disillusionment with the lack of innovation.

Positive Praise

Conversely, some players find the set enjoyable due to the high variance in available compositions. They laud the strategic depth and flexibility offered by the current meta, leading to diverse gameplay experiences.

The Balance Dilemma

The ongoing debate between strict balance and entertainment value resurfaces among players. While some prioritize competitive integrity, others crave novelty and fresh ideas to keep the game engaging.

Overall, the community’s sentiments towards the latest TFT set highlight a nuanced blend of appreciation for balance and disappointment in the lack of innovation. As players continue to engage with the meta, their perspectives on what makes a set engaging evolve, shaping the future of TFT.

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