Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Dealing with Finisher Animations: Love them or Hate them?

Are the finisher animations in TFT driving players crazy or is it just a part of the game?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are divided on their sentiments towards finisher animations in the game. Some


  • Players see finisher animations as part of the game’s charm and a revenue strategy for Riot.
  • Some find the animations unnecessary and annoying, affecting their gameplay experience.
  • Arguments on skill level, mental resilience, and the game’s free-to-play nature are prevalent in the discussions.

Players’ Perspectives

Despite the game being free-to-play, some players feel that the finisher animations significantly impact their enjoyment, leading to calls for an option to disable them. However, others see the animations as part of the overall gaming experience and a tactical addition by Riot to incentivize in-game purchases.

Community Reactions

While some players recommend taking a break or adjusting mindset, others believe that the animations can be frustrating, highlighting the need for player control. The discussions touch on issues of competition, mental fortitude, and personal preferences when engaging with the game’s content.

The Bottom Line

The debate surrounding finisher animations in TFT reflects the various ways players engage with the game – from embracing every aspect as part of the experience to seeking options for personal customization. Despite the differing opinions, the discussions hint at the complex relationship between gameplay elements and player satisfaction in the ever-evolving world of digital entertainment.

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