Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Hyper Roll Complaints and Hope for the Next Set

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players express frustrations with hyper roll focusing on 3* 4-cost units. What changes are they hoping for in the next set?

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are voicing their concerns about the prevalence of 3* 4-cost units in hyper roll games. A Reddit post by user ipkandskiIl sparked a discussion on the matter, with players sharing their frustrations and hopes for the upcoming sets.


  • Players criticize the dominance of 3* 4-cost units in hyper roll mode.
  • Some argue that the mode focuses too much on unit strength rather than other strategic elements.
  • Others express a desire for a more balanced gameplay experience in hyper roll.

Frustrations with Hyper Roll

Hyper roll and double up modes heavily prioritize 3* 4/5 cost units, leading to a crucial reliance on board strength rather than overall gameplay strategy and economy. This shift has made the mode less enjoyable for those seeking a more balanced experience.

Hopes for the Next Set

Players like ipkandskiIl are hopeful that future sets will address the overabundance of powerful 3* 4-cost units in hyper roll, creating a more diverse and strategic gameplay environment. The community yearns for a mode that values varied tactical approaches over pure unit strength.

As the discussion on Reddit unfolds, it’s evident that players are craving a shift in the hyper roll meta towards a more balanced and engaging experience. With the upcoming sets, TFT enthusiasts are eager to see how the game developers will address these concerns and enhance the overall gameplay dynamics.

Categories TFT