Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Is 10 Storyweaver the Strongest Prismatic Trait?

Discover if 10 Storyweaver truly reigns supreme as the strongest prismatic trait in Team Fight Tactics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are puzzled by the power of 10 Storyweaver, debating if it surpasses all other prismatic traits. From the complexity of combinations to the allure of rare abilities, the discussion rages on.


  • 10 Storyweaver’s unique requirements and benefits set it apart from other prismatic traits.
  • Players compare it with other potent traits like 9 Bilgewater, 9 Fortune, and 10 Heartsteel.
  • Debates arise on whether 10 Storyweaver truly outshines all contenders.

Players’ Reactions

One player mused, ’10 Storyweaver is a little different than other Prismatic traits.’ The intricate conditions needed for its power prompted comparisons with past traits like 6 Dragon and Fortune 9.

Contenders for the Throne

Some players vouched for 9 Fortune as a potential challenger to 10 Storyweaver’s dominance, citing its strong economy value. Others reminisced about formidable traits from previous sets, such as 12 Jade or 12 Lagoon, as worthy opponents.

As the debate simmers, players continue to explore the depths of Team Fight Tactics, striving to uncover the ultimate prismatic prowess.

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