Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Madlads Playing Ranked Day 1 Reactions

Players discuss diving into ranked on day 1 without understanding the new set in Team Fight Tactics (TFT).

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are diving headfirst into ranked on day 1 without understanding the new set. In less than 30 minutes, the set will be launching in OCE, and some players are pondering if it’s a mad move or a stroke of genius.


  • Some players plunge into ranked blind, relying on their experience to carry them through.
  • Others prefer to spend time on PBE to understand new units and compositions before heading to ranked.
  • Jumping into ranked on day 1 can lead to mixed results, with some experiencing setbacks while others excel.
  • Despite the risks, many players find enjoyment in the challenge of climbing the ranks without prior knowledge.

Playing By Instinct

While some players like Elias1993 prefer the thrill of going in blind and learning as they play, others, like LondonNoodles, find that spending time on the PBE to familiarize themselves with the new units gives them an edge when diving into ranked. LondonNoodles believes that understanding unit roles and early-game compositions is crucial for success, emphasizing the importance of preparation despite the chaos of initial games.

Mixed Results

Players like Ok-Entrepreneur-7981 recount how previous attempts at ranked on day 1 led to placement setbacks, cautioning against repeating the same strategy. Conversely, Creative_Lynx5599 and bomban share their strategies of hyper-rolling or diving straight into ranked, showcasing the diverse approaches players take in navigating the early days of a new set.

Embracing the Challenge

For Schmearson and others who follow the ‘dive in first, figure it out later’ mantra, the challenge of climbing the ranked ladder without prior knowledge serves as a testament to their adaptability and quick learning. Despite the risks and potential setbacks, the thrill of the unknown drives these players to push their limits and test their skills in a competitive environment.

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