Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Players Share Frustrations on Unit Distribution

Players in TFT subreddit express frustration with unit distribution and RNG outcomes.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players in the subreddit are voicing their frustrations with unit distribution and RNG outcomes. One user shared their experience of getting Ornn 2 at level 6 before Gnar 2, despite more players having Ornn than Gnar…


  • Players discuss unexpected unit distribution outcomes.
  • Community humorously comments on the RNG aspect of the game.
  • Some players express frustration with uncontested units not appearing.
  • Overall consensus on the randomness factor in TFT gameplay.

Players Unhappy with Unit Distribution

Some players in the subreddit find the randomness of unit distribution frustrating. User Vtt03 humorously expresses disbelief by stating, ‘Sometimes it’s like the game knows what you want, then does everything it can to not give you…’.

Community Humor Shines Through

BlitzcrankGrab adds humor to the discussion by playing on words with, ‘Orn you glad you got 3 of em?’ showcasing the lighter side of the situation.

RNG Frustrations

PateteZ shares their frustration with the RNG element, recounting a time when the game trolled them by giving a different unit instead of the desired one, ‘I really hate when this happens last time I am rerolling Yone in level 7 (uncontested btw) and instead of giving me Yone 3 star game decides give me Sylas 3 star…’

Game Balance Debate

Some users like berserken and TFTPaidActor-Balance sarcastically comment on the game’s balance, pointing out the irony in an unbalanced situation.

Randomness is a recurring theme in the comments, with users like PoliteRuthless acknowledging it by stating, ‘Randomness is random!’.

Categories TFT