Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Set 11 Battlepass Controversy Explained

The recent Set 11 Battlepass in TFT has caused mixed reactions among players. Find out why!

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have been buzzing about the latest Set 11 Battlepass, with many expressing disappointment and frustration.


  • Players find the Battlepass massively nerfed compared to previous sets.
  • Concerns about lackluster rewards with mediocre Arenas and Little Legends.
  • Players criticize the business model and pricing of cosmetic items.

Player Reactions

One player, Helivon, expressed frustration with the Battlepass, pointing out the lack of value in the rewards and questioning Riot’s pricing strategy.

Academic_Hearing highlighted the uninspiring themes of the Arenas and criticized the overall quality of the Battlepass content.

Community Feedback

Many players, like ChbbyKttns, have decided to skip purchasing the Battlepass due to the perceived lack of significant improvements in content quality.

Impossible_Face_9625 reminisced about the better quality and longer Battlepasses of the past, expressing disappointment with the current offerings.

Overall, players are divided on the Set 11 Battlepass, with some calling for better rewards and more value for their money.

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