Team Fight Tactics (TFT) – Set 11 Visual Clarity Concerns

Players express frustration over the visual clarity in Set 11 of Team Fight Tactics (TFT).

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players are voicing their concerns over the visual clarity in the latest Set 11, sparking a heated discussion on Reddit.


  • Players find Set 11 visuals hard to distinguish, affecting gameplay.
  • Community divided on design quality between Set 10 and Set 11.
  • Some players feel the lack of clarity impacts unit recognition and overall enjoyment.

Visual Clarity Issues

Players like Apollo_Vest express disappointment in the visual clarity of Set 11, citing difficulties in distinguishing champions like Gnar, Rek’Sai, Zyra, and Riven.

Community Feedback

TeslaOfBeanBags criticizes the knee-jerk reactions of the community, advising against taking early judgments seriously.

Mixed Reactions

eXon2 highlights the frustration of long-time players who struggle with champion recognition due to the visual design choices in Set 11.

Feedback from MidnightCy mentions the underwhelming impact of certain abilities in comparison to past sets.

Scribblord humorously reacts to the initial confusion by saying, ‘I was gonna ask wtf is wrong with you until I saw it’s a tft post xd.’

Categories TFT