Team Fight Tactics (TFT): The Least Picked Augment in the Game – Analysis & Insights

Discover why this seemingly unpopular augment in Team Fight Tactics continues to stir debate and raise questions among players.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players have been puzzled by the least picked augment in the game. The augment in question grants a free Shop reroll after every 4 rerolls, yet it seems to be largely overlooked by the community. A Reddit post by user Environmental_Cost38 highlighted this mystery, prompting a discussion among players about the relevance and utility of this particular augment.


  • Players debate the usefulness of the free Shop reroll augment
  • The augment’s lack of popularity raises questions about its effectiveness
  • Some players believe the augment is situational and requires strategic planning


Many players expressed skepticism towards the augment’s value, questioning its relevance compared to other gold or prismatic augments that offer more immediate benefits. User Hardwiredmagic noted that while the augment can be effective in specific strategies that require frequent rerolls, it may not be a top choice for players looking for a versatile or powerful option. The sentiment among some players suggests that the augment’s niche utility may limit its appeal in broader gameplay scenarios.

Player Insights

Player nonxd brought attention to another less popular augment, highlighting that the augment focused on the Shen hero has seen significantly fewer picks than the Shop reroll augment. This comparison suggests that while the Shop reroll augment may not be the most popular, it is not the least favored among all available options in the game. Additionally, user Kefke209 speculated that recent buffs to the augment could potentially increase its adoption rate, particularly in compositions that rely on reroll strategies, indicating that balance changes can impact player choices in the game.

Tactical Considerations

Player A-Myr offered a strategic perspective on the Shop reroll augment, stating that in reroll-heavy compositions, the augment can play a crucial role in maintaining consistency. While acknowledging the presence of other competitive silver augments, such as Caretaker’s Ally and the Duplicator, A-Myr emphasized the reliability of the Shop reroll augment for ensuring a steady supply of rerolls, which can be vital for certain gameplay approaches. This viewpoint underscores the importance of adaptability and strategic thinking when evaluating augment choices in TFT.

The ongoing discourse surrounding the least picked augment in Team Fight Tactics showcases the diverse perspectives and considerations that players weigh when selecting game-enhancing elements. As the meta evolves and strategies shift, the evaluation of augments like the free Shop reroll after every 4 rerolls remains a subject of curiosity and debate among the TFT community, reflecting the dynamic nature of tactical decision-making in the game.

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