Team Fight Tactics (TFT): What Are the Odds of Finding a Spatula on First Carousel?

The mystery of finding a spatula in Team Fight Tactics on the first carousel unravels with surprising answers from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) players often ponder the likelihood of finding a coveted spatula on the first carousel. Will luck be on their side, or is it all just random chance? Let’s dive into the Reddit thread to uncover the truth!


  • Players speculate on the spatula odds, with estimates ranging from 20% to 100%

paimon_for_dinner’s Instinct

As user paimon_for_dinner suggests a 20% chance, the community engages in a game of odds and intuition, craving insight from the developer.

MasterTotoro’s Data

Citing LeDuck’s information, user MasterTotoro suggests a precise 27% rate, backing their claim with external resources.

GeneralDash’s Theory

GeneralDash humorously simplifies the odds to a binary outcome, stating it’s either there or it isn’t, with a 50% chance either way.

Regnis2005’s Luck

Regnis2005 humorously laments a 100% chance of spotting a spatula, but laments it’s always on the opposing player’s side, indicating the whims of fate.

Categories TFT