Team Fight Tactics (TFT): When Ez 3 Isn’t Enough

The struggle of Ez 3 going 6th in TFT will leave you wondering what went wrong.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) can be a rollercoaster of emotions – especially when Ez 3 doesn’t secure that top spot. The Reddit post titled ‘Imagine being the guy with Ez 3 and going 6th lmao’ by MrBeaar captures the frustration and disbelief of players when a seemingly strong champion falls short in the rankings.


  • Positioning and itemization play crucial roles in determining success in TFT.
  • Even a powerful unit like Ezreal can underperform if not supported correctly.
  • The importance of adapting and strategizing based on the current game state cannot be overstated.

Why Did Ez 3 Go 6th?

The comments on the Reddit post shed light on the possible reasons behind Ezreal’s unexpected fall from grace.

One user, Special_Ad_9645, suggested that positioning for Yone might have been a factor in the outcome. Another user, GeneralDash, pointed out that early to mid-game struggles and an unlucky late fight could have contributed to the defeat.

Evaluating the Board

ThatPlayWasAwful dives deep into the specifics of the losing board, highlighting issues like item distribution, lack of key items, and overall board composition. The analysis provides valuable insights into the mistakes made and potential areas for improvement.

Fellow Losers

It’s not just Ez 3 who faced an unexpected defeat. Users like RockShrimpTempura and Pollibo shared their own disappointing experiences in TFT, showcasing the unpredictable nature of the game.

The variety of perspectives and experiences shared in the comments demonstrate the complex and ever-changing dynamics of TFT gameplay. Each match presents new challenges and opportunities, keeping players on their toes and continuously learning and adapting to stay ahead of the competition.

Categories TFT