Team Liquid Dominates 100 Thieves in LCS 2024 Summer Week 3 Showdown

Find out how Team Liquid asserted their dominance against 100 Thieves in the latest LCS match.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends fans were treated to an intense battle between 100 Thieves and Team Liquid in the LCS 2024 Summer Week 3 showdown. The match results sent shockwaves through the community, sparking various reactions from fans.


  • Impact’s stellar performance in the match led to contrasting opinions on his gameplay.
  • Fans were impressed by CoreJJ and UmTi’s synergy in game 2.
  • Sniper’s Renekton play drew praise for paying tribute to Solo’s legacy.
  • Team Liquid’s overall performance solidified their position as a top-tier team in the league.

Impact’s Legacy Sparks Debate

With Impact’s standout performance in the match, fans couldn’t help but discuss his impact on the game. Some marveled at his skill, while others joked about his age compared to younger players like Sniper.

CoreJJ and UmTi Shine in Game 2

The synergy between CoreJJ and UmTi during game 2 caught the attention of viewers. Their coordinated plays showcased a level of teamwork that many found impressive and vital to Team Liquid’s success.

Sniper’s Tribute to Solo

Sniper’s homage to Solo with his Renekton play was a heartwarming moment for fans. The acknowledgment of past players’ contributions added depth to the match and highlighted the camaraderie in the league.

Team Liquid’s dominant display throughout the series solidified their status as a powerhouse in the LCS, leaving fans both awed and hopeful for their future performances.