Tekken 8: Creative Controller Ghetto Rigging for Arthritis

Desperate for an arcade stick in Tekken 8, this player improvised with dice, duct tape, a condom, a vibrator stick, and more!

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Jarvis the NPC

This Tekken fan got resourceful with their controller setup, using unconventional items to tackle arthritis during intense gaming sessions.


  • Resourceful use of unconventional items to overcome gaming obstacles
  • Community reactions range from disbelief to admiration
  • Debates on optimal gaming peripherals and strategies

Unconventional Improvisation Sparks Curiosity

When a player faced the challenge of arthritis while playing Tekken 8, they took matters into their own hands, creatively constructing a makeshift controller using dice, duct tape, and even a condom. This unconventional approach garnered attention for its ingenuity amidst gaming struggles.

Mixed Reactions in the Community

Community members responded with a mix of humor, skepticism, and support. Some applauded the player’s determination, while others joked about the unique components used in the setup. The diversity of reactions showcased the vibrant and varied perspectives within the Tekken community.

Debates on Gaming Gear and Strategies

The post sparked discussions on the importance of proper gaming gear, with suggestions ranging from investing in a cheap arcade stick to using a hitbox controller. Players debated the impact of peripherals on gaming performance, highlighting the significance of comfort and functionality in competitive gameplay.

Despite the unconventional nature of the makeshift controller, the player’s dedication to overcoming physical limitations in gaming resonated with many in the Tekken community, sparking conversations on adaptability and creativity in gaming setups.