Tekken 8 Customization Criticisms: A Disappointing Development?

Is Tekken 8's customization lacking? Read what fans have to say about the underwhelming options in the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you checked out the latest buzz around Tekken 8’s customization options? Fans are buzzing with mixed opinions, and the discontent is palpable. Let’s dive into the discourse and see what the uproar is all about.


  • Players express disappointment in Tekken 8’s customization options, citing a lack of variety and creativity compared to older titles.
  • The limited slots for customizations and the inability to make simple changes have left fans frustrated.
  • Some users believe the focus on selling costume DLCs hinders the in-game customization experience.
  • The clunky preview system and performance issues add to the overall dissatisfaction with the customization feature.

Customization Concerns

Many Tekken enthusiasts feel let down by the customization aspect of the latest installment. Reactions range from mild discontent to outright frustration at the missed opportunities for creative expression.

Reminiscing Older Titles

Comparisons to past Tekken games, particularly Tekken 6, highlight the regression in customization options. Fans reminisce about the depth and variety of customization features in older titles, emphasizing their disappointment with Tekken 8’s offerings.

Profit-Driven Decisions

Some users speculate that the limited customization in Tekken 8 is a deliberate move to push players towards purchasing full costume DLCs. The absence of key elements like Nina’s ponytail or bodysuit raises suspicions about monetization strategies affecting gameplay experiences.

User Interface Woes

The frustrations extend beyond the lackluster customization options to the clunky user interface. Complaints about the preview system’s inefficiency and sluggish performance reflect broader concerns about the game’s design choices.

The discourse surrounding Tekken 8’s customization highlights a disconnect between fan expectations and the game’s actual offerings. With players yearning for more creative freedom and diverse options, the backlash against the lackluster customizations is a testament to the community’s passion for the beloved franchise.