Tekken 8: Excitement Over Lidia Sobieska Gameplay Trailer

Excitement brews as the Tekken community eagerly anticipates playing with Lidia Sobieska in Tekken 8.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is buzzing with excitement over the gameplay trailer featuring Lidia Sobieska in Tekken 8.


  • Community is thrilled about Lidia’s moveset and design
  • Some fans appreciate the new rage art animations
  • Others are excited about the music and stage in the trailer
  • Players are eager to explore Lidia’s gameplay further

Fans Express Their Excitement

Many users are eager to try out Lidia’s playstyle, with some appreciating her moveset and design.

Appreciation for Animation

Some fans particularly enjoy the new rage art animations showcased in the trailer, expressing excitement over the visual spectacle.

Stage and Music Approval

Players are impressed by the stage’s music, with comments highlighting the impact of the soundtrack on the overall experience of the gameplay trailer.

Anticipation for Gameplay

Excitement is palpable as users express their eagerness to dive deep into exploring Lidia’s gameplay mechanics and mastering her moves.

Players are clearly excited about the upcoming release of Tekken 8 and the introduction of Lidia Sobieska to the roster. The community’s enthusiasm is infectious, and it’s evident that fans are eager to get their hands on the game and experience all that Lidia has to offer. From her intricate moveset to the stunning animations, Tekken enthusiasts are counting down the days until they can engage in epic battles with this new character. The anticipation is real, and the excitement is undeniable in the Tekken subreddit.