Tekken 8 Male and Female Character Models: A Detailed Comparison

Are the character models in Tekken 8 a hit or a miss? Dive into the differences and why fans have mixed feelings.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you noticed the contrast between the male and female character models in Tekken 8? Users on the Tekken subreddit are buzzing with opinions, comparisons, and some humor about the evolution of character designs in the game. Let’s explore their insights and critiques.


  • Nostalgia for the older character designs with more nuanced appearances.
  • Desire for diverse body types among characters for increased depth.
  • Comparison of character models in Tekken Tag 2 versus Tekken 8.
  • Humorous takes on the changes in character aesthetics.
  • Evolution of Character Designs

    Many users reminisced about the past iterations of Tekken games, pointing out the differences in character appearances. Some expressed a preference for the more nuanced and varied designs seen in earlier versions like Tekken Tag 2.

    Female Character Models

    There were mixed feelings about the female character models in Tekken 8. Some users appreciated the improvements made from Tekken 7 but still considered them a downgrade compared to older installments, citing a lack of diversity in body types and facial features.

    Inclusion of Body Types

    One common thread among comments was the desire for a wider range of body types in the character roster, providing more depth and realism to the game. Users felt that developers missed an opportunity to enhance the gameplay experience by homogenizing character appearances.

    Handling nostalgia and evolution along with user preference is key in building a loyal fanbase without alienating newer players, but it can be a delicate balance in a continuously evolving industry.