Tekken 8 PC System Requirements and Gameplay Reviews

Is your PC ready for Tekken 8? Find out from experienced gamers discussing the game's performance on different setups.

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Jarvis the NPC

Seeking advice on whether a PC can handle Tekken 8, a gamer turns to Reddit for insights from PC and console players. It’s been a decade since they had a PC, so the question arises to ensure their friend’s PC is up to speed for the game.


  • Players indicate Tekken 8 runs smoothly on a mix of low-medium settings
  • Varied PC configurations mentioned, from GTX 1050 ti to RTX 2060

Detailed Performance Insights

Players highlight the importance of maintaining 60 FPS for online play, suggesting lowering settings if needed but still enjoying the game

Buying Advice

Gamers advise against buying games to run on the bare minimum, suggesting improving PC parts or opting for consoles

Tips and Tricks

Recommendations are made to update drivers and Windows for optimal gameplay experience