Tekken 8 Ranks Controversy: Why the Community is Divided

Tekken fans are split on the game's rank system in Tekken 8. Some call for more ranks, while others prefer fewer to avoid matchmaking issues.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is ablaze with discussions about the rank system in Tekken 8, specifically the number of meaningful ranks available. A post by user NiggityNiggityNuts has sparked a heated debate regarding the lack of ranks in the game. The community seems divided on whether more ranks would benefit the game or potentially cause more matchmaking issues.


  • Players are split on the need for more ranks in Tekken 8 to improve matchmaking.
  • Some believe a rank reset and adjustment could be a viable solution to the current issues.
  • Debates also involve the visual representation of ranks, with some users expressing dissatisfaction with certain rank colors.
  • Suggestions such as implementing an ELO system post-certain rank and adding more ranks have been put forth as potential solutions.

The Rank Dilemma

AnalBumCovers reminisces about the mystery surrounding past rank systems, expressing openness to a larger number of ranks despite potential drawbacks.

Community Suggestions

olbaze proposes a full rank reset and re-adjustment to address current matchmaking problems and ensure effectiveness in Prowess Matchmaking.

Redefining Ranks

drow_girlfriend voices a concern about the visual similarity in ranks, suggesting a differentiation in color schemes for specific ranks.

Improving Matchmaking

AngryAssyrian highlights the issue of players being penalized for using secondary characters due to the current prowess matchmaking system. They argue for a revamp of the Tekken Lounge to engage players further.
