Tekken Characters: The Good, the Bad, and the Overhyped

Exploring the varied opinions on Tekken character representation from top players to YouTube influencers.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is abuzz with discussions about character representation among top 24 participants.


  • Some players question the preference for certain characters over others.
  • Concerns raised about Ling’s true potential amidst conflicting opinions.
  • Excitement over unexpected character choices like Paul making it to the top 16.

Questionable Character Choices

Some users express frustration over the prevalence of certain characters in the top 24, questioning the lack of diversity in character selection and representation.

To Ling or Not to Ling

The debate over Ling Xiaoyu’s efficacy as a character rages on, with users divided on her ranking and viability in competitive play.

A New Face in the Mix

Excitement peaks as rare character selections like Paul Phoenix break through to the top 16, surprising and delighting fans.

Despite the range of characters showcased, the community remains divided on the significance of character selection and performance at major tournaments.