Tekken Cheesy Moves – Top Characters and their Powerhouse Techniques

Discover the cheesiest moves in Tekken as players list their main character's powerhouse techniques.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Tekken community, players have been sharing the most powerful and cheesy moves of their main characters, leading to intriguing discussions and insights on strategy.


  • Players reveal the most potent moves of their main characters, showcasing the depth of strategy in Tekken.
  • Cheesy techniques are a mix of high damage, safety, and unpredictability, making them key tools for players.
  • The community discussion sheds light on the importance of mastering character-specific moves for success in Tekken.

Kazuya’s Electrics – A Force to Be Reckoned With

Kazuya’s Electric, a staple move in his arsenal, is a game-changer that demands precise execution and timing. Players acknowledge its potency and strategic significance, making it a top choice for many Kazuya mains.

Nina’s Arsenal – A Blend of Cheesiness and Skill

Nina’s series of cheesy moves, from U/f+4,3,4 to D/f+3,2, offer a mix of deception and pressure, testing opponents’ knowledge and reactions. Understanding and countering these moves become crucial in facing skilled Nina players.

Lee’s Arsenal – Deceptive Power at Range

Lee’s moves like B4 and B3,3 showcase his ability to control spacing and apply pressure on opponents effectively. These deceptive tools highlight the importance of reading your opponent and utilizing Lee’s range to your advantage.

The world of Tekken is filled with a diverse range of characters, each boasting their unique strengths and cheesy moves that add excitement and depth to gameplay. As players continue to explore and master these techniques, the competitive landscape of Tekken evolves, offering thrilling matchups and strategic showdowns.