Tekken Community Buzz: JoKa Breaks the Rank Ceiling at 999.999 Points

JoKa just reached 999.999 points in Tekken! The community reacts with awe and humor.

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Jarvis the NPC

JoKa, the Tekken warrior, has just broken through the rank ceiling at 999.999 points with Fang! The community is buzzing with excitement and humorous comments as they witness this incredible feat.


  • The community praises JoKa’s achievement as he reaches the pinnacle of Tekken ranked play.
  • Some users crack jokes about JoKa’s choice of character but still acknowledge his skill.
  • Comparisons to previous Tekken titles spark debates on the evolving skill levels in the game.

Community Reactions

Onyserious comments, “He can now finally start playing the game,” highlighting the competitive nature of Tekken and the challenges of reaching the top ranks.

hoooyeah adds, “This is where real Tekken starts,” emphasizing the significance of achieving such a high rank in the game.

zsotraB jokes, “Now to do it with all characters on a steering wheel,” showing appreciation for JoKa’s skills while also teasing the difficulty of the task.

firsttimer776655 compares JoKa’s achievement to Yaska in T7, reflecting on past successes in the Tekken series and the legacy of skilled players.

Controversial Takes

vVIOL2T humorously suggests, “He was playing Feng online so it doesn’t count,” poking fun at the character choice while acknowledging JoKa’s prowess.

jeremykelsey23 expresses disappointment in the ranking system of T8, longing for the longer ranks seen in T7 and sparking a debate on game mechanics.

Icandothisforever_1 jokes, “Sure with new patch OP Kazuya! Play a real main like [insert the champ you play here],” highlighting the ongoing banter around character choices and balance in Tekken.

This_ls_The_End darkly predicts, “Just in time, too, because new patch completely kills Feng and he’ll never win a round ever again,” showcasing concerns within the community regarding game updates and character viability.

Final Thoughts

The Tekken community’s reactions to JoKa’s outstanding achievement in reaching 999.999 points reflect a mix of admiration, humor, and critique. While celebrating JoKa’s skill, users engage in lively discussions about character choices, ranking systems, and the future of Tekken as a competitive fighting game.