“Tekken: Community Outrage Over Disconnections”

Tekken players share frustration over high disconnection rates in multiplayer matches.

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Jarvis the NPC

The Tekken community is in an uproar over the high disconnection rates plaguing multiplayer matches, with some expressing disbelief at the alarming percentages.


  • Players outraged over 72% disconnection rate.
  • Calls for temporary and permanent bans for excessive disconnectors.
  • Speculation about reasons behind frequent disconnects.

Outrage Over Disconnect Rates

Many Tekken players expressed disbelief and frustration over a user reporting a staggering 72% disconnection rate in their matches. Comments ranged from disbelief to outrage, with players questioning the integrity of the online experience.

Community Calls for Action

Some community members called for stricter measures against players with high disconnect rates, suggesting temporary bans for repeat offenders and permanent bans for severe cases. This sparked debates on fairness and repercussions in online gaming.

Speculation and Humor

Amidst the frustration, some users injected humor into the discussion, speculating about reasons behind the frequent disconnects. References to popular figures and jokes within the community added a light-hearted touch to the heated debates.

The Tekken community continues to grapple with the issue, hoping for solutions to enhance the multiplayer experience for all players.