Tekken: Community Reactions to Lidia Sobieska Fan Art

Tekken fans react to impressive fan art of Lidia Sobieska, sparking excitement and discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Exploring the Tekken subreddit, fans are buzzing about incredible fan art of Lidia Sobieska. The community is abuzz with excitement over this remarkable artwork!


  • Fans are thrilled by the impressive fan art of Lidia Sobieska, expressing anticipation for her release.
  • Many commend the artist’s talent and hope to see the artwork in the game.
  • Discussions range from artwork appreciation to humorous observations about fan reactions.

Fan Reactions

Tekken enthusiasts are in awe of the striking fan art, with several users praising the artist’s attention to detail and skill. Comments like ‘Really good’ and ‘Looks like art I would see in-game’ reflect the community’s admiration for the artwork.

Anticipation and Humor

Some users express eagerness for Lidia’s release, eagerly anticipating more fan art once she joins the roster. Others humorously comment on potential controversies, referencing past debates over character designs in Tekken 7.

Artistic Appreciation

The community’s enthusiasm extends to appreciating the effort and creativity put into the fan art, with users expressing a desire to see such quality content integrated into the game.