Tekken: Dealing with Rank Disparities – A Player’s Dilemma

Struggling with rank disparities in Tekken? Dive into the Reddit discussion on facing opponents of different skill levels.

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Jarvis the NPC

Tekken players are venting their frustrations about facing opponents of varying skill levels, sparking a heated debate on the subreddit.


  • Players question the fairness of facing higher-ranked opponents in Tekken.
  • Suggestions range from improving skills to adjusting matchmaking preferences.
  • Community advocates for a growth mindset and the value of learning from challenging matches.

Frustrations with Ranking System

In the Tekken subreddit, users express dismay over the matchmaking system’s tendency to pair them with opponents significantly above their rank. Some players, like G-W-F-H, feel disheartened after facing opponents like Fujin during their sessions. They question the logic of such matchups and the impact on their gameplay experience.

Challenges of Facing Higher Ranks

RoughMean6401 offers a solution by suggesting that players practice in quick matches to hone their skills against opponents closer to their rank. They emphasize the importance of self-improvement and viewing challenging matchups as opportunities for growth rather than unfair obstacles.

Perspectives on Skill Development

Lowtiercoffeedrinker shares a different viewpoint, highlighting the value of learning from losses and seeking guidance from higher-ranked players. They emphasize the importance of mindset and the desire to improve over focusing solely on winning matches.

Facing varying ranks in Tekken can be a test of patience and skill for players. While some advocate for adjusting matchmaking preferences, others stress the importance of embracing challenges as stepping stones to personal growth in the game.